Monday, September 23, 2013

Understanding your Partner

Understanding your Partner

Yes, we are truly different and it is those differences that attracts us to one another… imagine if everyone (man or woman was exactly like you)… what a boring place this would be… I can´t imagine everyone looking and acting exacting like me… Yet, it is those differences that cause problems…men want women to act and think like men and women expect men to act and think like they do… well, it is not going to happen!! We are wired completely different…Men in general are very logical and think logically…women, on the other hand, are more involved with emotions and thus their thinking is more emotional…women act and feel with their heart and men not…

Men like to have their abilities recognized and appreciated. Women love to have their feelings recognized and appreciated. Men don´t rate feelings highly, because in their view it leads to impassioned and wildly unstable behavior, women don´t rate abilities highly because they see them as cold and dispassionate, aggressively competitive behavior.
Men are problem solvers and like to work independently… women like cooperation and exercise their feelings through interactive communication with one another. Men like to solve problems alone while women value assistance of others.
When faced with a problem, men become non-communicative, while women become communicative so others can participate in the solution.
When men do communicate, they like to get to the point, and generally only want to listen if they feel the conversation has a point; women enjoy talking for its own sake, and are happy to listen unconditionally.
A man’s instinct is to look after himself, even if it means sacrificing others; a woman’s instinct is to look after others, even if it means sacrificing herself.
In a relationship, a man has to learn how to care for his partner rather than sacrificing her needs in favor of his own, and a woman has to learn how to be cared for by her partner rather than sacrificing her own needs in favor of his, so that the needs of both are met.
(to be continued)


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